The Domain Name System is a critical component of today's Internet.
It is the starting point for most of the traffic exchanges that take
place, including email and surfing the Web.
The Measurement Factory provides tools
and research to help network
operators understand their DNS traffic, and to help developers
ensure their applications follow the protocol specifications.
Our research and tools focus on question such as:
- What can we do to ensure that the DNS continues to grow
and expand without suffering from performance issues?
- How can we make critical DNS servers (roots, TLDs) resilient
to attacks?
- Why are there so many queries sent to the roots?
- How can we encourage people to fix configuration problems when
the DNS seems to work fine anyway?
- Is DNSSEC going to make the DNS better, or is it too complicated
and likely to introduce even more errors?
The Measurement Factory works closely with
on DNS-related projects.